Thursday, January 10, 2019

New Year’s Resolution in the Black

Hello my Peoples,

Welcome back in 2019. I hope you had a good holiday and had lots of love and cheer. We vacationed over the holidays at a lovely resort in Vermont. I wanted to enter the axe throwing competition but on the morning of it the temperature was zero. So, I, instead stayed in and enjoyed the beautifully fallen snow and finished reading the biography of Alain Locke. I would highly recommend this weighty reading. I don’t know if you have tried Groupon for vacation deals but I would highly recommend it. Now, Let’s get started fresh off the bat with some great resolutions.

Number 1:
Identify and eliminate destructive values from your life.
Although most values are positive, we all have those which are not good for us.
1. The desire for something for nothing. Symptoms can be playing the lottery, gambling or cheating.
2. The desire to gossip. It allows us to feel better or superior to talk about other people’s problems and while avoiding our issues.
3. The desire for instant gratification. After all some of us are a part of the “me generation”
Remember that identifying leads to correction. As Patti LaBelle says, “Don’t block the blessings.”

Number 2:
Create your dream list for the year.Write down things you would like to do in 2019.
1. Where would you like to travel.
2. How much money would you like to save.
3. What debt will you pay off.

4. Do you need to start a new relationship?
5. What new look would you like.
Remember, start small, baby steps can be achieved easier.

Number 3:
Create a list of your values, then make sure your actions align to your values.
If you say that you value frugal living but hit the mall every weekend, then your actions don’t match your values. Your values list  should also include no monetary values like healthy living, family, security, peace of mind, happiness, spiritual healing, and don’t forget a healthy sex life.

Well, this should be enough to get you started for the New Year. I have already started working out at the gym a little. Remember, baby steps. I want to loose just 10lbs.

Again Happy New Year,
Frugal Frank OTBS

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